
fight 4 freedom

I browsed some other blogs about gay and I felt much,not only confused.Sometimes I just feel hopeless and helpless of this"identify", hard to find a friend indeed , hard to do some make myself become popular.I always convince myself,"hey,I'm just What I'm,"but this is really difficult to survive.We're social animals,we need friends,we need help,support,smile,^^

After a long struggle in my mind,I just decide to pretend myself,try to be straight.China is not an open country,people here can't endure sth,just like being gay,they might use odd sight,they might hide from u,seems like u're a monster but u're not.Country,society made me,teenager,adult to pretent so it's hard to find a gay friend.

I'm really like behind bar,full of control,no freedom,we just hope our country,our city be like Canada,gay marriage,same rights,we need them very much.We are all human beings but why we have different rights and different situations?

Fight for freedom!

1 条评论:

Simon 说...

Hi Ur!!!! I'm sorry I hadn't seen this post. Just remember because you have all those feelings means you are a complete human. Unlike those who have tragically suppressed themselves....made their lives smaller just to survive. Remember too that we have only one life...gay love is as beautiful as any other...and have confidence in yourself.Try to find a friend you can share things with...even if you have to hide for now...or pretend to be straight. :( As as China becomes more powerful and more confident you'll see how quickly things will change !!!!